logo Fundación Gustavo BuenoFundación Gustavo Bueno

logo Fundación Gustavo Bueno

Fundación Gustavo Bueno is a non-profit, academic institution with headquarters in Oviedo, Spain. Founded as a private institution in 1997, it focuses on the philosophical analysis of present-day problems associated with politics, science and technology, religion, &c. It also supports a number of projects relating to the history of philosophy, in particular philosophical works written in Spanish or in Spanish-speaking countries.

Gustavo Bueno:
General view of philosophical materialism
The ontological bases of philosophical materialism
Essential atheism
Matter cannot be reduced to corporeal matter
Philosophical materialism through materialist anthropology
Philosophical materialism beyond Gustavo Bueno
Selected bibliography

Gustavo Bueno:
• 1978 What is a categorical closure?
• 1991 The Kingdom of Culture and the Kingdom of Grace
• 2002 Spiritualism and Materialism in the Philosophy of Culture.
            Cultural Sciences and the Philosophy of Culture

• 2005 Don Quixote, Mirror of the Spanish Nation
• 2013 Sciences as Categorical Closures
• 2019 The Happiness Delusion. Debunking the Myth of Happiness